Tee: Maternity Countdown Tee
How Far Along: 27 Weeks (this is a week late so I can give you a full update on my 27th week of pregnancy)
Babies Genders: Boy (Walton) AND Girl (Whitney)
Due Date: February 8, will deliver no later than January 25
Things to Note:
- Alex's co-workers through us a wonderful baby shower. We have a few items left on our baby registry, so we're putting any extra gift cards towards those....Twin Z Pillow, Baby Monitor (we never used one with Turner, but thinking we'll want one with two), Joovy Twin Roo Plus Frame Stroller, Baby Brezza Formula Food Maker and LOTS of diapers!
- Had my glucose test. I really don't understand why women complain about it so much, it's not that bad. I scheduled my appointment for 7am that way I wouldn't have to fast during the day. I chugged it, then got on my laptop and worked as the hour went by. I haven't gotten the results back yet.
- Had an amazing massage (half chair massage for my back, then laid down on the normal massage table with a big wedge behind my back & she massaged my legs/arms....heaven!)
Nursery: The nursery is complete...minus organizing the closet. See the final reveal photos HERE!
- I really felt heavy this week. My body just kind of hit a wall, and I was dragging. By the end of the day I didn't have much energy to play with Turner (the time change doesn't help).
- Tons of pressure down there...TMI, but constipation is my life these days.
Exercise: Body Pump x 2, Pure Barre x 1 - I honestly feel super strong and proud of myself when I'm lifting weights in my Body Pump class. When I look at my side profile in the mirror I think "Wow....look at that belly! Get it girl." Cue the not so pretty weight lifting face.
Clothing: All I want to wear are leggings, but I only have two shirts that cover my rear. I really don't want to buy any more maternity clothes, so I'm trying to wear a lot of my dresses. My favorite pair of maternity jeans have become uncomfortable : ( , because the waist has started to cut in to my belly. I also desperately need a new bra or two. Mine is so uncomfortable, so I tend to wear sports bras almost every day.
Cravings: Burgers, French Fries, Coke
27 week bump,
27 weeks pregnant,
austin blogger,
jesse coulter,
maternity blog,
maternity countdown tee,
mom blog,
mom blogger,
pregnancy blog,
texas mom,
twin mom,
twin pregnancy
27 Weeks {Twins}
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