
Shopping Challenge Update | 24 Items in 2024

In a world of increasing consumerism I hit a point where I wanted to slow down my purchasing. To be honest inflation has made everything SO expensive, and I wanted to prioritize what I spend my money on. I love clothes, but definitely get caught up in fast fashion and spending money on items that I only wear a handful of times. We're over halfway through the year so I thought it would be a great time to check in and share tips I've learned during this challenge + the items I've bought. 

Couples Vacation to Park City, Utah

For the first time Alex and I sent all three of our children to a week long overnight summer camp, and while they were having the best week of their lives Alex and I took a relaxing vacation to Utah. This is the perfect mix of an adventurous and relaxing vacation, scroll down to read more!

Park City Utah Travel Guide

What I packed for a week in Italy

I originally tried to pack in a carry on for my 9 day trip to Italy but the weather through a wrench in that plan. The forecast called for rain, sun, cold and hot weather so packing becoming a bit challenging. However, I'm proud of myself for packing minimally into one medium suitcase and a small duffle carry on that I used for my toiletries, iPad/technology, snacks and saved room for bringing gifts back home! Take a look at my detailed packing list + my outfits.  

Home Office Before & After

When COVID hit Alex and I for the first time began working from home. I would work in my bedroom or living room and Alex would work at the kitchen table. After almost 2 years of this setup we had enough and decided to add an office. Here's a look at the before & after and our process.

Style in Color

A year ago I had a personal color analysis done and it changed the way I dress and specifically the colors I choose. Today I'm sharing some recent outfits plus an update on my 24 Buys in 2024 shopping challenge!

January Small Goals

Years ago I started blogging about my monthly goals and it made a drastic impact on my life. Instead of focusing on big hairy yearly goals that are easy to lose track of I focused on smaller bite size goals that can help achieve those loftier goals. 

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I'm an enneagram 7 and LOVE dreaming of change. A new year and fresh goals excite me so much that I get so overwhelmed I don't know where to start. So this year I'm starting small again and going to take you on my journey. I encourage you to join me! Writing them down has a powerful effect and keeps me accountable. Small goals can be as simple as;

- Schedule a doctor's appt

- Call a friend you haven't spoken with in years

- Research summer camps 

- Stretch 3x a week

All of these can contribute to larger goals or can simply exist on their own. Self care is hard for mothers so I think a monthly goal for any mom that focuses on self care adds up to at least 12 times in 2024 they can focus on themselves. 

For each month I'm going to share a graphic from one of my favorite artists, Parima Studio, who creates the most beautiful paintings and then offers them as digital backgrounds every month. It's such a joy to get her email at the beginning of each month with a free download for a new desktop background. I like to the calendar view for my work computer which she also sends for free! Grab her current background here