Fall is almost is here which means it's almost my favorite time of the year! My schedule is ramping up and I thought I would give you an update on what's happening in my life! P.S. my denim jumper is on major sale for only $49!
Turner starting kindergarten has definitely been a schedule adjustment. He has handled the transition fine since he's been going to school since he was three months old, but the fact that I make his lunch almost every day and pick him up right after work is new for me. Why can't my kid just eat the dang school lunch!? My neighbors are amazing and have been letting him join along as they bike to school. He's in an after school program which costs $230 per month. I'm getting used to lots of emails, teacher apps, remembering to send $ for random school events, and signing his folder every day.
Turner is playing t-ball and practices every Tuesday night for an hour and a half, and on Saturdays he has an hour long game. It was my idea to sign him up, but I'm already over it. I don't think I'm cut out for my kids to play competitive sports....or at least until they can drive ; ). Mom, THANK YOU for taking me to practices, games, tournaments and sports camps my entire childhood. We took the twins to a practice and a game once and it was the worst mistake...NEVER AGAIN!
Walt and Whitney (2.5) are adorable to watch play together, and for the most part they get along very well. Every once in a while they have a toy they aren't willing to share, but overall they are the very best of friends and are always be each other's side. Whitney yells, "C'mon Walt! C'mon!", when she wants him to play with her. Their teacher has asked us to send pull-ups as they are beginning to potty train them, hallelujah!
I've been at my new job for almost a month, and I love it! My team is wonderful, and the overall company culture is like night and day from my previous role. Dangerous things about my job include...Domain Northside, P. Terry's JuiceLand and Summer Moon Coffee being a few blocks away! The dress code is actually dressier than my previous job, specifically in the marketing department so I'm having fun finding ways to step up my game (insert lots of blazers)!
Holiday season is about to kick off and brands are reaching out to influencers now for campaigns. I haven't been pitching a ton, just for travel, and am hoping to get some collaborations through third party agencies. I have been seeing a shift from brands wanting a blog post plus social shares to strictly an Instagram post. I'm on board with that because it takes MUCH less time to post a photo to Instagram with a caption than it does to write an entire blog post.
At the end of this month I'm going to be speaking at ContentATX about Building a Brand / Making Money Through Blogging and I'm so excited! I'm only nervous about creating the dang PowerPoint.
My 32nd birthday is coming up and I REALLY want to go skydiving! My sis and brother might join me...look away mom! Have you ever been? What's your experience? I've already taken the day off, so if it doesn't involve sky diving then I will definitely get a massage or facial.
Alex and I paid off the last of our credit card debt...woo hoo!!! We now have our van payment and mortgage left to pay off. We're planning on traveling to Nashville in December for my sister's birthday and we're going to cashflow the trip (aka NO credit cards). This means as soon as I get my next collaboration check in I'm buying the plane tickets. Thankfully our accommodations are free since I'm collaborating with Hotellete (an insanely gorgeous home).
Thank you for following along my journey!
Photos by Madeline Harper
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