
Celebrating 25

Happy Birthday to my favorite man! He's the big 2-5 today.  I asked him how he felt about being in his mid-20s and he responded with, "eh." A man of many words, well at least he usually is. He bugged me all last night before bed to give him his birthday present early, and then woke me up at 4:30am, and asked again. He seriously has the patience of a 5 year old when it comes to gifts ; ) This morning I finally gave him his gift, which was a Jon Hart shave kit with his initials.   I have one more surprise in store for him today that I can't wait for him to get.  I love gift giving and especially a good surprise! We're going to try a new restaurant tonight, Contigo, with my bro and SIL while my good friend watches Turner.  Here's to another great year Mr. Coulter!  You're my best friend, and I thank the Lord you were born on this day 25 years ago.

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