
34 Weeks {Twins}

How Far Along: 34 Weeks (this is a week late so I can give you a full update on my 34th week of pregnancy)

Babies Genders: Boy (Walton) AND Girl (Whitney) #WaltandWhit

Due Date: February 8, but will be induced no later than January 25 which is when I'll be 38 weeks

Things to Note: 
- Had my 34 week appointment, which included an ultrasound, 45 min. stress test and visit with the doctor. Both babies are still head down and doing great! They didn't measure for size and weight. I'm guessing they weigh around 4 1/2 lbs each.

- Contacted my insurance and verified that they will cover in-home lactation consulting after the babies are born. Huge relief because I need all the help I can get! I'll be using Stork Maternity Consulting in Austin.

- Saturday afternoon I started experiencing intense lower back pain, and all day I was having shooting pain down the side of my right leg. Later that night I went out with my neighbors for a girls night out, and I was having back to back braxton-hicks contractions. I kept thinking...hmmm? Am I going to go in to labor tonight, because right before I went in to labor with Turner I had the same type of back pain. I tossed and turned all night with back pain and minor contractions, but the next morning I was fine. I was a bit disappointed because I want to meet them so badly, but I know the longer my body holds out the healthier they are.

Weight gain: 43 lbs.

Nursery: Washed all of the babies' clothes as I prepare my diaper and hospital bag.

- Braxton hicks

- Heartburn

- Sleepless nights (always something on my mind...When will they come? Will I be able to breastfeed? Will I ever sleep again?)

- Lower back pain/shooting pain down my right leg from my sciatica nerve

- Took a mile walk w/Turner and Alex on Sunday and then played soccer/football with Turner at the park. The weather was too nice to pass up being outdoors (60 degrees in Austin).

- Shopped for 4 hours and never sat down. My feet were definitely tired after that trip to the mall.

- I feel like a retired grandma because my daily exercise is the walk to check my mail

Clothing: I've officially felt the desire to wear non-maternity clothing. Every once in a while I attempt to look at clothes in Gap/Old Navy, but then realize there is no point. It could be a while before I fit in to normal clothes, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear while nursing.

Cravings: Soda, Chocolate. I'm taking advantage of these last few weeks and eating really whatever I want. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm due with my first in a month...planning on breast feeding and I've been Pinterest-ing clothing ideas. One person said she thrifted tons of low cut tops & camis and cut the bottom half off of the camis. So she would layer and be able to easily pull the neckline down and the cami up.