
Just a reminder

Alex was sweet enough to take me to the Austin Rodeo last Thursday to see Josh Turner.  What a date....me screaming at the top of my lungs, "Take it off! I love you Josh!" Ok, there was no I love you, but I definitely yelled take it off a couple of times.  Josh Turner is probably one of my favorite country singers, other than George Straight and Garth Brooks.   Yes, I grew up listening to country, and I will forever love it.  I actually met George Straight at a high school rodeo that I was working at with my dad when I was 12 years old (Awesome? Yes)!

After screaming through Josh's first few songs, he began to play one of my favorites, Long Black Train.  The second that song came on I went from happy hands clapping crazy lady, to teary eyed emotional lady.  I hear that song and it reminds me of an exact time in my life...the exact month, the exact days, and where I was when I listened to it over and over again.  I went through a rough break-up early in college, and I was growing spiritually and trying to hang on tight to God's word. This song made my journey so much better.  I remember bawling in my car singing along, and trying to sing in that low soothing deep voice, haha, definitely wasn't hitting the notes.  But it didn't matter because that song meant so much to me, and it brought me such joy and comfort.  I love hearing songs on the radio that remind me of a good time in my life, and even the bad times because ultimately I made it through it and everything turned out ok.

Dress: Target. Vest: Boutique in Abilene. Shoes: Vintage

My dinner consisted of cotton candy, popcorn and a sour pickle.

1 comment:

Sofia H. said...

Oh I love your outfit! Super cute.