
Turner Jack - 6 Months

Happy 1/2 Birthday! 


- We haven't gone for his 6 month appt yet, but he went to the Dr. a few weeks ago and he weighed 14.2 lbs and measured 26.5 in. He's in the 5th percentile for weight, so we're still giving him added rice starch formula and prevacid for reflux.

- Eats solids twice a day. Fruit in the morning & vegetables in the afternoon. He definitely enjoys fruit more than veggies...uh oh.

- Goes to bed around 7pm. We don't have much trouble with bedtime. We lay him down, turn on white noise, and give him his pacifier. He still wakes twice during the night, usually around midnight and 4am. We're currently working on weaning him from his night feedings (we NEED sleep!). He usually wakes up between 6:15 & 7.

- LOVES my hair. He grabs it every time I change his diaper or feed him a bottle.

- Talks & laughs when he gets super tired.

- Wants to put everything in his mouth.  I try to read to him before bed, but all he wants to do is eat the book, and he gets frustrated when I take it away.

- Hasn't crawled yet, but will literally roll across the entire room.  He likes playing on his stomach, and does the Superman (legs & arms up in the air) every time he sees Alex and I walk in to the living room.

- Has had 2 ear infections in the past month 1/2.  I'm pretty sure he has another one right now, so off to the doc again.

He changes so much every day, and brings more joy in to my life than I could have ever imagined.  I don't know what I would do with out him.  Kocham cie, Turner Jack. 

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